05 July 2006

WWJD (Work With Jello Daily)

Work With Jello Daily... something I learned in MIT (missionary in training) bootcamp. In other words, be flexible -- really flexible.

Flexibility, I have learned, is a trait very useful with small children. I had an entire schedule planned out for the girls and I today... and guess what? Yes, everything changed so I didn't even bother conjuring up another schedule. It sounds crazy, but I actually enjoy the challenge of an up-in-the-air schedule. Plans change at the last minute? Okay. We need to flip morning and afternoon schedules? Sure.

Life is a lot easier when you're laid-back.


At 05 July, 2006 09:26, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Flexibilty works like that. Unless you've got a deadline to meet, then flexing ain't to great.

What was the original schedule?

At 05 July, 2006 13:44, Blogger Carey said...

Whooops... I was signed in as my mom. That really was me talking.

At 05 July, 2006 15:16, Blogger Angie said...

Schedules are sometimes useful. I usually just have a few objectives for the day and leave room for all of the other things that will inevitably come up!

At 05 July, 2006 18:21, Blogger RobertDWood said...

I was wondering who Barbara was... Acctually, I didn't notice until you pointed it out. :D

How much of the day involved Jello originally?

At 05 July, 2006 19:34, Blogger Redeemed said...

When you work with children, flexibility is unavoidable!!


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