28 January 2006

Singing with a British accent

I was just thinking about an instance I had with a friend over the way I sing.

My friend Hannah had recently gotten an electric guitar, and we were messing around with some music at her house. She had written a beautiful song, but needed help with a tune. After mulling over it a bit, I hummed a tune for her. We went to the piano and began singing aloud. Halfway through the song, Hannah began to giggle.

"What? What's wrong? Did I hit the wrong key?" I asked.

"No..." Hannah giggled, "You said wold in stead of world... like a British person."

"I did?"

"Yes, you sing with a British accent."

I guess I do sing with an "English" accent, but it was the way I was trained. My voice teacher always taught me to round out my vowels when singing. Really, it sounds better in most forms of music, instead of using American English. *UGH* Don't get me started about the way we Americans have utterly butchered the English language... especially here in Texas.


At 29 January, 2006 08:35, Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

I should love to hear you sing.

It does seem strange to hear you talking about a 'British' accent. I have no idea what that sounds like.

Which one? English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish? Liverpool? Cockney? Geordie?

We have such diversity in the way we speak.

I wondered if it was a bit like this on your side, but was told by a Yank that there are not many regional variations to the American accent. He said the southern accent is distinct and people speak more slowly in the California, but otherwise the American accent is quite uniform.

Every Blessing in Christ


At 29 January, 2006 12:17, Blogger Carey said...

I'm not sure what she meant by "British." I would say I sing with a sort of "universal" English accent, perhaps one you'd hear from an upper-class Londoner.

There are just as many (if not more) American accents as British. Californians do not speak slowly. I should know, because my mom is a Californian and I also speak with a California accent. My father grew up in Kansas, and similarly has a Kansas accent.

There are many Southern accents... Louisianan, Alabaman, Georgian, Texan, Kentuckian... I could go on and on. There is also a New Jersey accent, Massacheusetts accent, and New York city itself has several different accents - just like London.

Perhaps Americans sound all the same to most people, but really, there is no "universal" American accent.

At 29 January, 2006 13:23, Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

I had thought that was the case.

The particular Anerican I spoke to did not seem to think so, however.

God Bless


At 31 January, 2006 06:07, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Texan is slower, more understandable, and thus more friendly then most.

The Yanks up north have a bursqe accecent that lends an air of unfriendlieness.


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