26 July 2006

Killer Carey Strikes Again

While out driving this morning with the girls, I committed a horrible crime -- I murdered a pigeon. The dopey bird took a dive into my windshield, leaving behind several feathers before rolling off.

"I think you kill-ded it," Taylor commented.

"You think so?" I pulled in front of the house, feeling rather guilty for murdering yet another animal with my car.

"Carey, why did you kill one of God's birds?" Taylor asked innocently, adding to my guilt. "You need to tell God that you are sorry."

I folded my hands -- "I'm sorry God."

"That's better," Taylor said, quite pleased with my penance.


At 26 July, 2006 14:44, Blogger ~*Joyzey*~ said...

how many animals is this now?

At 26 July, 2006 16:12, Blogger Carey said...

Ummmm... I don't quite remember...

At 26 July, 2006 20:24, Blogger Angie said...

Hmmm...I've killed bugs on my car...

At 26 July, 2006 20:51, Blogger Redeemed said...

loool, Carey. first a skunk, now and pigeon!!!!

At 27 July, 2006 05:47, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Your pennance? Lol.

Just be glad it didn't leave a bloody mess on the windshield.

At 27 July, 2006 07:42, Blogger Revelation 2:17 said...

Psalm 55:6 And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.

Well, you granted the pigeon the "rest" part; somewhat abruptly but rest nonetheless.

At 27 July, 2006 08:23, Blogger Carey said...



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