22 April 2006

Feel the Force

Mom took me out this afternoon to practice driving my car. I've been driving for a few years now, but I feel like I'm starting from scratch with a stick shift. It was very frustrating at first. I wanted to cry and kick the car -- which would be a bad idea, since I'd break my foot and end up in the ER again.

An hour and a half and severe whiplash later, I began to get the hang of it. I was cheering after I could drive more than a foot without killing the engine.

"You really have to get a feel for the car," Mom said.

"Yes... feel the force." By then I was going crazy and quoting Star Wars -- sound effects and all -- OWHHHWSSHH... Luke, feel the force...


At 22 April, 2006 18:06, Blogger Angie said...

"You have to get a feel for the car" - yes, that is true. They are all different! My first car was a 1970 Volkswagen Beetle. I was told that if I could drive it I could probably drive anything. You really had to have the clutch all the way in and be going just the right speed to shift. I found that in my mom's car I have to make sure that the seat is in just the right place, since if I am too close to the pedals I tend to rev the engine too much. Too far away, of course, and I will kill the engine. Then there's the great sound of grinding the gears. Done that. Killed the engine in the middle of a major intersection, too. That's always fun! My personal favorite, of course, is holding the cell phone to my ear, trying to turn and trying to shift at the same time. It requires three hands and two feet. Where did that third hand go? Really, I would not recommend trying that. It's illegal in some places (like New York) anyway. It's a good skill to know, so keep it up! It has come in handy in my life (although I choose to drive an automatic). Once you learn it actually can be rather fun! I never did get the hang of down-shifting to slow down, however. I'm more of a "put it in neutral and use the brake" kind of girl. ;)

At 22 April, 2006 19:04, Blogger Carey said...

*laughs* Thanks, Angie. A 1970 Beetle? Groovy.

At 23 April, 2006 05:04, Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

I gave up Star Wars a couple of years ago. I was a bit addicted to all those hundreds of sequel novels.

I have not even seen the last Star Wars movie.

Every Blessing in Christ


At 23 April, 2006 05:50, Blogger Carey said...

Neither have I. I saw parts of the second episode, but have not seen 1 or three.

At 23 April, 2006 07:53, Blogger Julia said...

Omigosh thats what my mom does!

At 23 April, 2006 09:36, Blogger Carey said...

Does what? Go whacko and quote Star Wars?

At 23 April, 2006 10:42, Blogger Angie said...

I love the original Star Wars. I thought the new ones were really disappointing. I liked the third one best because it seemed to tie into the original ones better.

Carey, did I mention that the Beetle was metallic gold? You could see it coming (and here it - that thing was LOUD) from a long way off!

At 23 April, 2006 10:56, Blogger Carey said...

*laughs* Gold? Oh my goodness! Must have been one groovy car.

Yeah, from what I saw of Episode 2, I was dissappointed. You just can't beat the old ones. (That, and the dude they cast as Anakin Skywalker couldn't act.)

At 23 April, 2006 11:19, Blogger Angie said...

"...the dude they cast as Anakin Skywalker couldn't act." My thought exactly about Episode 1! The kid may have been cute, but he just couldn't act! I don't remember much about Episode 2 (which I happen to own, just never ever ever watch).

At 23 April, 2006 18:10, Blogger Julia said...

yes and feel the car feel the carrrrr

At 24 April, 2006 06:47, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Episode I and III beat the originals, but II stunk.

Matt, you read a lot of the books? Wow. Same here. There's a lot of them.

Carey, don't start getting delusions of granduer. It's only a car, not a Forumla-1 racer.

At 24 April, 2006 11:42, Blogger Camille said...

Haha!! OMU, that's funny. I hope you get the hang of the car soon! My brother just started driving and it's weird. I can't drive yet. Too young. That is probably a good thing, though!!

At 24 April, 2006 14:37, Blogger Carey said...

It's not as fun as it looks. When I was fifteen, I couldn't WAIT until I could drive. Now it's just a chore. My little brother (also 15) is going to start this summer. Scary when the baby of the family starts driver's ed.


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