17 September 2006

Only in my house...

Decked out in my favorite camouflage cargo pants and M*A*S*H t-shirt, I meandered down the hall towards the living room where I was greeted by my not-so-patriotic older brother.

"You going to invade somewhere?" he remarked sarcastically in regards to my uniform.

Though mine and David's political views and alliances are quite different, I still can't help but laugh at some of his comments. He's one of those people who can say really mean things and still get away with it because he's so funny. I have him to thank for sharpening my wit. You have to be quick on the draw in my house.


At 17 September, 2006 20:27, Blogger RobertDWood said...

Iron sharpens Iron...

At 17 September, 2006 21:14, Blogger Carey said...

*laughs* Yeah, we were on the frontlines tonight, Mom. I feel (and look) as though I just walked off the battlefield.


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