When you're a teenager you think you're immortal and invincible. You know everything there is to know and the world is at your feet to conquer.
...until God pulls the rug from beneath your feet.It always takes a few knocks in the head for God to get my attention. He sends trials to show me just how invincible and omnipotent I really am (
When I graduated from highschool in the spring of 2005, I had everything figured out. My whole life was all planned out and it was an exciting fairytale. I was going to get my AS in nursing, tranfer to another college to get my BS, then go to the University of London to get my MA in "Public Health in Developing Countries." I was going to save the world! Nothing could stop me... or so I thought.
Then in May I began to have increasing health problems.
Multiple doctor/hospital visits and tests over the past few months have been very humbling for a person who has had "perfect" health for her entire life (the vast span of 17 years). Last Thursday, I had an
upper GI and
SBFT . Next week I'll have a
pH study,and
endoscopy. Hopefully the doctors can diagnose my problem(s) before I lose my health insurance in less than three months.
Well, at least I would go to nursing school, right? It seems that God had other plans. After my first day of A&P, I was having second thoughts about nursing. I've never been especially gifted in science or math. If I was to follow through with my plans, I'd have to take lots of difficult science and math courses.
I thought back to a conversation with a doctor friend of mine.
Do what you love and God will provide a way. (When we last met, I was caught up in his descriptions of his medical work in rural China. I romanticized. I dreamed. I wanted to be a doctor. Medical school wasn't feasible, so nursing school was my next option. Was that what I enjoyed? Was I gifted in this area? I didn't know, but it sure sounded cool.) What I truly enjoy is writing and helping people with personal problems.
With all that to say, I ended up dropping Algebra and A&P, only doing college part-time. Don't know what my major will be. Have no idea what I'm going to do for a career. Maybe photo-journalism. Maybe counselling.
But when I have no plans, God's plans work best (becuase I'm not getting in the way).